This is great!!

It was so fun to read Mana's blog!! I can totally picture everything that happened-Parker cracks me up! I often think about and get excited about later on when Josie's personality develops and all three kids are playing together what fun times that will be!! My funny story for the day is that 2 nights ago, Josie had her first blow out of her diaper. She was in my arms and a bit fussy. Then we heard and i felt a big liquidy fart. She quieted down and several minutes later and lifted my hand in the air from underneath her bottom and it was poopy. We had to strip her down and give her a bath as it was everywhere, including on my pants I was wearing. Also, she had a blowout in the car today. I had to change her in the back seat and feed as all in the post office parking lot this morning. Crazy crazy!! alaina
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